Privacy Statement



The counselling service I offer is confidential. Any information shared with me will be treated with the utmost care and safeguarded. The only situation in which confidentiality may be breached is if, either by my professional judgment or as mandated by regulatory authorities overseeing my practice, it becomes necessary due to concerns about potential harm, such as a threat to life, severe injury, serious criminal activity, or significant harm to either you or another individual, or as required by the legal process.

I will make every effort to engage in a collaborative discussion with you before any breach of confidentiality is considered, provided that such discussion does not jeopardize your safety or the safety of others or contravene legal obligations.

It is crucial to emphasise that any breach of confidentiality is an exceptionally serious matter and will be approached with the utmost gravity. I adhere to the BACP Ethical Framework, which states that only those individuals who absolutely need to be informed will be notified in the rare event of a confidentiality breach. Furthermore, all confidential records are securely stored in a locked filing cabinet or protected by passwords if stored electronically. My website is designed to be secure, ensuring the protection of all communication generated through it. I am committed to full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations of 2018 at all times.


When you begin therapy with me and during our initial assessment session, I gather essential information about you. The BACP Ethical Framework requires me to work with a qualified therapist who has specialist training in supervison and reviews my working practice, this is to make sure that I am working safely and professionally for you. During a supervison I only share a limited set of personal details, the information I share is restricted to your first name, approximate age, and a general summary of your background. This practice is in compliance with the requirements set forth by my professional body, the BACP.


I write and keep confidential client notes that keeps a record about our sessions together. These notes will be stored for 3 months after our sessions together end, I keep these notes locked in a filing cabinet. 3 months after our final session, your notes will be destroyed. Your personal data is held for 7 years after the conclusion of our work together unless you request to have it removed sooner.

I keep case records of our sessions together electronically on a password protected computer, your information such as your name is anonymised with a code so that your identity is protected. You have a right to request a copy of your records that I hold about you, if you would like a copy, please get in email me here: